A to Z - aquariums and zoos -


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Entries from 2017-01-01 to 1 year

Chikozan Zoo - 6,1 and 7


Hirakata Park

兄弟カワウソ-ササノスケとタスケ 経営母体が違うという大人の事情はあれど、2頭の幸せを祈るばかりです。

Ise Sea Paradise こちらも二種盛り

Clawless otter twins have born on April 10th,2017. I visited Ise sea paradise which has the babies, May 18th. Their eyes are not open as of then.

Ueno zoo - カワウソ二種盛り

There are 2 otters' exhibit at Ueno zoo, one is Eurasian otter and the other is ASCO. You can compare easily Eurasian otter and ASCO.

Sendai Umino-mori Aquarium

A young couple of clawless otters are now on exhibit at Sendai Umino-mori Aquarium. There are only 3 facilities hold and exhibit clawless otters in Japan. We can't meet them except at those precious facilities!

Aquapark Shinagawa

1月に行ったのに更新するのを忘れていたよ。 www.aqua-park.jp 前回訪問時(2015年の秋)は「エプソン」がついていたのだけれど、いつのまにか外れていた。 それから、あまり大々的には言われてないけれど(時効(?)ってことでいいでしょう)展示されてい…

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